

We champion the implementation of nature-based solutions in Africa to offset carbon emissions with the aim to mitigate the adverse climate change through the protection, restoration and management of natural and semi-natural ecosystems. Our NBS offerings include climate change mitigation & resilience, improved agriculture and land management, reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD/REDD+), afforestation/reforestation/forest conservation, Blue Carbon and ecosystem conservation.

  • Afforestation & Reforestation projects (A/R)
  • Improved forest management projects (IFM, REDD)
  • Sustainable agriculture & land management Projects
  • Methane reduction in Rice farming
  • Restoration & Plantation of Mangroves
  • Grassland or Wetland management

Commodity-driven agriculture in tropical regions – including the production of soy, palm oil, timber, cattle, coffee and tea – is a major driver of deforestation. ANbS seeks to avoid emissions that would have otherwise occurred as a result converting forests into other land use types, e.g. agricultural land for growing high value commodities such as cereals and livestock ranching. We facilitate payment for ecosystem services models such as the framework for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) where communities, land managers and jurisdictions are compensated for actions that reduce or remove forest carbon emissions and sale of carbon credits. Indigenous communities are supported to engage in wild forest production (honey, nuts, and pharmaceutical products) and ecotourism.

Major drivers of mangrove degradation include shrimp farming and deforestation for mangrove poles. ANbS avoids emissions that would otherwise have occurred as a result of degradation of mangroves. We support fishers to adopt alternative use of that land, e.g. shrimp farming. Such shrimps are sold at a premium as they have been produced without chemicals and in a natural environment. Investors and farmers share in the profits, incentivizing shrimp farmers to maintain the mangrove forests through this proxy payment for the mangrove ecosystem services.

This solution involves avoiding greenhouse gas emissions through the protection of intact peatlands. ANbS supports fishers to jumpstart alternative land uses, farming and activities that limit degradation (such as community engagement, monitoring of water levels and increased fire management), sale of carbon credits, eco-tourism or through paludiculture (cultivation on wet peatlands) which can produce valuable materials such as eco-friendly insulation made from endemic peatland crops such as cattails.

We manage forests and other ecosystems by:

  • Improving forest management- Improved forest management involves managing both natural and forest plantations to avoid carbon emissions and to increase carbon sequestration within these forested areas. ANbS develops initiatives focused on sustainable management of forest plantations and helps existing initiatives to transition to more sustainable practices such as reduced impact logging, extended harvest rotations and designation of protected areas.
  • Management of grassland fire- ANbS avoids emissions from fires in grasslands by starting early-season fires when there is less organic matter, emits fewer emissions compared to late-season fires. We provide training and labour associated with fire management, alongside necessary technologies to monitor and track the extent of the fires.

We are restoring forests and other ecosystems by:

  • Afforestation and reforestation (A/R)- This solution enhances carbon sequestration of degraded land by planting trees to shift it from on-forest to forest cover (i.e. above 30% tree cover). A/R which mimics natural ecosystems and uses species suited to specific environmental conditions can stimulate environmental and economic productivity. ANbS purchases and plants tree seedlings at landscape levels. We maximize productivity, using a broad mix of native seeds but focusing on species from which commercial revenue can be derived. Such near-natural “forests with a cash flow” have yet to be planted on a large scale but may expand rapidly because of the revenue streams and rich ecosystem services they could deliver.
  • Restoration of coastal wetland- ANbS strives to increase the carbon sequestration of degraded coastlines by replanting mangroves. We support coastal communities to plant mangrove shrubs and to ensure their long-term survival, for example funding the labour and monitoring associated with regulating fishing quotas, restricting certain activities and managing conservation zones. The communities benefit by enhanced fish stocks, medicine and ecotourism.
  • Peatland restoration- ANbS tries to avoid emissions by re-wetting degraded peatlands to restore the natural water flow and saturation level. This involves creation of canals, wells and planting of native species to restore and maintain water table levels. Fishing and smallholder cropping of native species delivers sustainable livelihoods for local communities

We contribute to soil carbon sequestration in agriculture by promoting:

  • Agroforestry- We help the integration of trees into production practices not only to increase the carbon sequestration of farmland but also to generate a variety of revenue streams such as from fruits, fodder and wood products. Besides, these commodities may generate price premiums linked to their sustainability attributes, such as shade grown coffee. The income diversification also drives on-farm resilience making famers and investors less vulnerable to external shocks such as increased temperatures.
  • Application of biochar from crop residues- Application of biochar to farmland increases the inorganic carbon content in the soil. Inorganic carbon is much more stable than its organic counterpart and persists over longer timescales. We are partnering with biochar technology companies to help farmers purchase and apply biochar onto their farm to increase crop yields and even generate carbon revenues.
  • Enhancement of soil organic carbon in cropland- We encourage farmers to shift from current retrogressive agronomic practices to no-till management and cover-cropping in order to enhance soil carbon sequestration in croplands. Investment in equipment, seeds and technologies for regenerative agriculture will result in a reduction in fertilizer use, in time spent tilling (freeing up labour hours) and in diesel, repair and equipment costs on larger, more mechanized farms.

Enhancement of soil organic carbon in grasslands- ANbS helps farmers transition their pastureland management strategies to include rotational grazing, improved feed management and pastureland rehabilitation. Rotational grazing typically has higher establishment costs than conventional grazing (due to the need for fencing and water systems), but offer long-term economic benefits, including healthier herds, which results in fewer veterinary expenses, reduced maintenance and fertilizer costs and greater pasture productivity. Farmers can generate carbon credits associated with improved sequestration and can increase profits from increased livestock sales

We are reducing emissions in agriculture by helping farmers to:

  • Reduce enteric fermentation- We are guiding farmers on changing feed and grazing strategies to reduce methane emissions resulting from livestock digestion. ANbS is at the forefront of helping farmers transition to new feed practices can save costs and drive revenues. Feed strategies such as “balanced feeding”, which helps overcome mineral deficiencies in the soil, enhances milk production by improving the nutritional quality of the livestock’s diet.
  • Manage manure better- This involves the use of technologies such as anaerobic digesters to reduce the CH4 and N2O emissions associated with livestock manure. We structure innovative financing mechanism to facilitate farmers to access anaerobic digesters which are used to extract methane from manure, producing sustainable biogas that can then be used to produce energy and can be a source of revenue or an on-farm cost saving. The resultant digestate/slurry is used for on-farm soil improvement or sale to neighbours.
  • Manage nutrient better- ANbS guides farmers in changing fertilizer application and management practices to reduce CH4 and N2O emissions associated with fertilizer application. We educate farmers on new practices and technologies for more precise nitrogen application on farms, resulting in significant cost savings and increasing farm profitability amidst skyrocketing global fertilizer prices.
  • Improve rice cultivation-We collaborate with farmers in rice cultivation schemes that sustainably manage rice production to avoid CH4 and N2O emissions, such as improved water and fertilizer management. ANbS trains farmers on new management techniques such as lower input rice farming or alternate wetting and drying, resulting in significant increases in farmers’ net-incomes.

We catalyse demand side transformations through:

  • Increasing the use of clean cookstoves- ANbS champions the avoidance of emissions through the introduction of more efficient cookstoves which require less fuelwood, leading to less pressure on forests for wood required for cooking and heating. We partner with renewable energy stakeholders to facilitate households’ access to clean cookstoves to reduce their fuel expenses as well as reduce the health risks associated with indoor air pollution.
  • Reducing food loss and waste- ANbS champions the avoidance of emissions from the production of food that is wasted (i.e. not consumed) and emissions from decomposition through the implementation of measures such as improved storage and those which change consumer awareness. We target the entire food value chain, from educational campaigns to limit household waste to refrigeration technologies at a farm-level to reduce food loss. Tackling food waste in consumption drives cost savings for households and businesses whilst addressing food lost in production increases the volume of food sold and improving incomes.
  • Shifting to healthy and sustainable diets-We purpose to reduce emissions from diverted agricultural production by adopting sustainable healthy diets (not including emissions from land use change). ANbS champions campaigns that encourage dietary shifts, improving meals in public procurement or developing animal protein alternatives, leading to health related cost savings and revenues from sale of meat alternatives.